Andreas Prohl
Universität Tübingen
The error analysis for (LBB-stable) space-time discretizations
of the incompressible (Navier-)Stokes equations is well-understood, and
rests on available bounds for the involved pressure gradient, in
particular. The situation is conceptually different for the stochastic
analogue, where a non-differentiable Wiener process appears that
prevents corresponding bounds for the pressure. In the talk, I
present different mixed methods which cope with the problematic issue
caused by the pressure, and discuss their optimal convergence behavior.
The talk is based on joint work with E. Carelli (Tuebingen), E. Hausenblas (Leoben, Austria), as well as M. Ondrejat (Prague, Czech Republic), N. Walkington (Pittsburgh), as well as X. Feng, L. Vo (both Knoxville).